Porcelain Publishing / CT / Volume 4 / Issue 2 / DOI: 10.12184/wspppllWSP2515-470210.20200402

“Ni-Hua”: Another Way to Posthuman

Wei Shiyi1
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Anthropomorphism (“Ni-Ren-Hua” in Chinese) is not only an ancient habit, but also a new posthuman problem. On the one hand, with the development of modern scientific discourse and technical precision, anthropomorphism has gradually been devalued and regarded as the psychology and cognition of being primitive and irrational; on the other hand, anthropomorphism has also permeated into various artistic images and future conception. The concept of human has undergone drastic changes under the influence of modern scientific progress and globalization. Posthuman has shocked the anthropocentric positions in anthropomorphism, signifying the end of the subject forms that have taken shape since the Enlightenment. “Ni-Hua” removes “human” from the center of “anthropomorphism”, and opens new possibilities to posthuman subject becoming. “Ni-Hua” stresses the becoming of its communication and symbiotic ability while hinting the boundary as its cautious awareness and atmosphere. This is also an attempt to respond to the situation of posthuman with the application of Chinese discourse .

posthuman; anthropomorphism; Ni-Hua; becoming; Subject
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Critical Theory, Electronic ISSN: 2753-5193 Print ISSN: 2515-4702, Published by Porcelain Publishing