Porcelain Publishing / CT / Volume 5 / Issue 2 / DOI: 10.47297/wspctWSP2515-470203.20210502

Nature's beauty and Practical Freedom

Yuneng Zhang1
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1 College of Chinese Language and literature,Central China NormalUniversity,Wuhan Hubei430079, P.R.China
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Nature's beauty refers to the beauty of natural things and phenomena. Nature's beauty originates from the freedom of social practice that centers on material production: In material production, the freedom of practice brings naturalization of man and humanization of nature, thus generating the aesthetic relation between man and nature which is presented as nature's beauty. In discourse production, the freedom of practice symbolizes natural things and phenomena, therefore, the aesthetic relation between man and nature transcends the material world and moves into the spiritual world, continuously producing and diversifying nature's beauty by the means of imagination and empathy. In mental production, practical freedom objectifies natural things and phenomena, presenting aesthetic ideologies of nature, such as idyllic poems, landscape painting, landscape garden, and idyllic musical pictures. The freedom and quasi-freedom of practice divides nature's beauty into two categories: present relations and future relations, and hence produces two forms of beauty: grace (beauty) and muscular beauty (sublime). With the ever-expanding freedom of man's practice, the aesthetic relation between man and nature changes all the time andgradually forms a tendency of "back to nature",which promotes thecoordination and sustainable development between man and nature.Therefore,nature's beauty constitutes a measure of man's liberaldevelopment in all dimensions.

Nature's beauty;The freedom of practice;Back to nature

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Critical Theory, Electronic ISSN: 2753-5193 Print ISSN: 2515-4702, Published by Porcelain Publishing