From "Humanization of Nature" To "Naturalization of Man"——The Philosophical Connotation of the Essence of Beauty in the Era of Post-Industrialization
This article aims to discuss the theoretical meanings of "naturalization of man", an important concept of practical aesthetics. This article holds that "naturalization of man" is the natural consequences of "humanization of nature" in a certain historical and logical stage. Moreover, it readjusts and shifts the relation between human and nature from pure conquering and vanquishing relation to an emotional, poetic, aesthetic relation. If "humanization of nature" emphasizes man's practical transformation of nature in accordance with human purpose and desire, which means "nature evolving for human being" according to Kant, then "naturalization of man" means that man must regard nature as his spiritual home and ultimate shelter, depend on, respect, appreciate and hold in awe of nature. Humanization of nature aims to construct instrumental ontology , while naturalization of man is to build emotional ontology, in other words, to realize free and poetic human existence in its emotional converting to nature. The former cultivates and promotes civilization, while the latter reflects on and criticizes this civilization. The former transforms primeval ages into the modern society, and the latter returns to embrace and depend on nature.As fornaturalization of man,its connotation includes three factors:thenaturalization of the soma,the naturalization of environment and thenaturalization of human mind.Considering the soma has beenoverfilled with political and cultural meanings in modern societynaturalization of soma means rebuilding the concept of soma that hasbeen neglected by modern philosophy of mind from the perspectiveof harmony between the heaven and human in Chinese traditionalphilosophy.,It also means to approach and feel the world with theperceptibility and naturality of soma so as to reset it into a naturalstate of health and vitality.
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