Youth, labor and the new world: Labor writing in cross-culture perspective
World War I was closely involved in the ideological and cultural transformation of modern China. In this transformation, the discussion on labor was an important theoretical joint for intellectuals to grasp the Old and the New, the trend and social movement, and also constituted as ideological source of human literature and revolutionary literature. The movement of "Going to the People" could be regarded as a practical approach in concert with the May 4th literature, together with the overseas CLC education, which marked a folk trace to pursue the underclass enlightenment. Exploring the writing and memorization of CLC deeply involved in the internationalization may help to reopen the labor vision of the May 4th literature, deeply understand the imagination and practice of the labor community in the full worldwide connection.
[1]Cai Yuanpei蔡元培(1993).'蔡元培选集'[Selected works of Cai Yuanpei].Zhejiang Education Press.
[2]Liang Qichao 梁启超(2012).'梁启超游记:欧游心影录、新大陆游记'[Travel notes of Liang Qichao:Senses around Europe and Travels at New Land].Oriental Press.
[3]Zheng Boqi,ed 郑伯奇编(1935).'中国新文学大系·小说三集'[Chinese New Literature Series:the third novels collection].Liangyou Books Press.