Frantz Fanon's Dialogue with Mathew Arnold and Ernest Renan: Algeria's "Celtic Moment" in The Wretched of the Earth
Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth (1961) is one of the founding works of postcolonialism. However, his perception in this magnum opus has seldom been put back into the context of English and French colonial history, from which the work originated. This essay historicizes Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth (1961). Firstly, two dialogical texts from the nineteenth century, Ernest Renan's "The Poetry of the Celtic Races" (1854) and Mathew Arnold's On the Study of Celtic Literature (1867), are read against each other. A comparative reading of the two texts reveals that nineteenth-century English and French Celticism were each involved in the production of different models of imperial governance, with English imperialism being liberal or informal and French imperialism formal. By the time of the wave of decolonization wave during the 1950s, when Fanon wrote The Wretched of the Earth, these two types of governance were scrambling for Algeria. Fanon's work on the liberation of Algeria in this sense conducted an anachronistic dialogue with Arnold and Renan of the previous century.
[1] Arnold M.(1867). On the Study of Celtic Literature, London: Smith, Elder.
[2] Fanon F.(1963). The Wretched of the Earth, trans., Constance Farrington, New York: Grove Press.
[3] Foucault M.(2003). Society Must Be Defended, trans., David Macey, Mew York: Picador.
[4] Kennedy, J. F. "Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy in the Senate, Washington, D.C., August 21,1957",,retrieved on 14, October,2023.
[5] Macmillan H.(1972). "The Wind of Change", Pointing the Way:1959-1961, London: Harper & Row Publishers, pp.473-82.
[6] Mignolo W.(2015). The Darker Side of the Renaissance: Literacy, Territoriality, and Colonization, trans., Wei Ran,Beijing: Peking University Press.
[7] Renan E.(1897). "Poetry of the Celtic Races", Poetry of the Celtic Races, and Other Essays, London: The Walter Scott Publishing, pp.1-60.
[8] Renan E.(2018). "What is a Nation", What is a Nation and Other Political Writings, trans. & ed., M.F.N. Giglioli, New York: Columbia University Press, pp.247-263.