Porcelain Publishing / CT / Volume 8 / Issue 1 / DOI: 10.47297/wspctWSP2515-470204.20240801

The Endless Friendship: Aesthetics and Romantic Hermeneutics

Gregorio Tenti1
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This article explores the relationship between aesthetics and hermeneutics at the turn of the 18th and the 19th century, especially in the philosophy of Friedrich Schleiermacher, the forefather of philosophical hermeneutics. The first paragraph introduces some important categories of historical hermeneutics through the perspective of Friedrich Schlegel, with whom Schleiermacher formed a strong intellectual friendship. Schlegel's influence is considered as emblematic of the Romantic sensibility animating Schleiermacher's hermeneutics. The second paragraph delves into Schleiermacher's own theory of interpretation, with a priority to the aspects that are more sympathetic with his theory of art. The last paragraph draws some final remarks on the meaning of the Romantic sensibility for today's hermeneutics.

Genius; Aesthetics of Production; Congeniality

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Critical Theory, Electronic ISSN: 2753-5193 Print ISSN: 2515-4702, Published by Porcelain Publishing