Porcelain Publishing / CT / Volume 7 / Issue 2 / DOI: 10.47297/wspctWSP2515-470208.20230702

The Writing of Disgust in Ha Jin's A Free Life

Chipeng Zhou1
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1 Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai,200083, P. R. China
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The paper analyzes the role disgust plays in Na Wu as a new Chinese immigrant and the protagonist in Ha Jin's A Free Life (2007) and his identification with and pursuit of a free life after immigrating to America, finding that the disgust guides Nan Wu to the opposite direct of his anticipation and expectation, that is, he advances much closer to his Chineseness in the mainstream society. The disgust at repressive ideology in native land and materialized thought in the adoptive land expels the aversion out of Nan Wu and his compatriots, and attracts them back simultaneously to what they disgust at, reminding them of the cultural and ideal genes labeled by the native land and new homeland in their bodies. However vehemently Nan Wu and his compatriots disgust at certain aspects of the homeland, they have actually never left as it has already been running through their body since the birth. As Nan Wu struggles between the hatred and redemption, Wu's relationship with what he disgusts at becomes more intimate. Through the anatomy of disgust, the readers understand the individual struggle and fight of immigrants between the two lands and receive a new way of comprehending the identity and culture choice and creation of immigrants.

Disgust; Ha Jin; A Free Life; new Chinese immigrants
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Critical Theory, Electronic ISSN: 2753-5193 Print ISSN: 2515-4702, Published by Porcelain Publishing